2017年1月4日 星期三

The Benefits Of Drinking Butter Coffee

Coffee is known to be the most common drink individuals take before they go to work since it provides numerous benefits. But, there are some individuals who wish to make coffee more beneficial. That is why, individuals now prefer butter coffee. This may be weird for some folks, but butter coffee provides numerous benefits below are some of the following.
Good source of healthy fats
One of the main benefits of drinking butter coffee is a good source of healthy fats. Most individuals think that fat is dangerous to their health and can cause diseases like coronary artery disease, arthritis, inflammation, cancer and high blood pressure.. However, the body needs fat in order to have plenty of energy. In addition, the body also needs fat to improve body composition. Luckily, butter coffee is known to provide omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, which can help individuals to attain such benefits.
Improve cognitive function and hormonal system support
The next benefit individuals can obtain when drinking butter coffee is they can improve cognitive function and hormonal system support. This is possible since it helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases and heart disease. This drink also provides the most concentrated source of energy and prolongs emptying of the stomach after eating. Plus, butter coffee is also known to feature vitamin K. vitamin K helps in blood clotting and keeping the bones strong into old age.
Good alternative for sugar
Sugar is commonly added in coffee drinks. However, adding too much sugar can cause serious health problems like obesity, tooth decay, fatty liver disease and diabetes. Fortunately, butter is a good alternative. With this, individuals can get rid of these issues and stay healthy.
Reduce caffeine sensitivity
Another amazing benefit of adding butter in your coffee is it can reduce caffeine sensitivity. Some individuals may feel pain when drinking coffee due to its acidic feature. By adding butter, individuals can reduce these effects as the fat content lines the stomach, protecting you from shakes and nausea.
Better weight loss and balanced cholesterol levels
Finally, butter coffee also helps in losing weight. Losing weight can be achieved when drinking this product since it features MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) oil. This type of oil has been observed to cause fat loss over time. Because of losing weight, individuals can also regulate cholesterol levels.
All these benefits can certainly help individuals to become healthy and stronger to deal with daily tasks they need to accomplish.



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