2017年1月17日 星期二

8 Tips for a Successful Wine Trail Visit

The high demand for quality wine across the globe is the primary factor that motivates investors to establish vineyards. They hold special events during summer, public holidays, and weekends to market their products. During these events, they give out samples of their products and sell them at discounted prices. Here are crucial tips for a successful wine trail visit.
Invest in a Carriage Box
For people who intend to purchase multiple bottles of wine, an empty box to carry them back home will come in handy. Carriage boxes allow one to carry several bottles safely, especially when driving on rough roads.
Have a Designated Driver
The little tastes will quickly add up as the day progresses. Having a designated driver will lower the risk of accidents. Alternatively, one can hire a tour company that operates around the region to be on the safe side.
Focus on the Small Places
Large facilities with expansive parking lots tend to attract crowds, which can spoil the whole experience. It is recommended to concentrate on the smaller, lesser known vineyards to feel the passion of this drink and get a clear perspective of the making process.
Be Polite and Calm
It is amazing to see how people act rudely after imbibing at several tasting rooms. It is imperative to remain calm and polite when interacting with the personnel.
Think Outside the Box
Going on a wine trail visit provides an opportunity to sample new brands. Visitors should not limit themselves to grape-based wine; instead, they should try out other regional specialties like blueberry, cherry, or peach.
Invest in a Portable Freezer
If the car sits in the sun for hours, the heat inside will tamper with the taste and quality of your purchases. Carry a portable freezer to safeguard quality when driving back home or to a different tasting room.
It's All about Timing
It is wise to go early to avoid crowds. By doing so, one gets a chance to chat with the staff, especially in the up-and-coming vineyards. Note that most people visit during the weekends and public holidays, so try to avoid these times.
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can compromise the experience. Carrying several bottles of clean water will keep visitors hydrated throughout the day. It is also a good idea to bring a packed meal to enjoy with a bottle of wine during lunch hour.
Going on a wine trail visit is one of the best ways of experiencing the classic and modern varieties on the market. Heed the above tips and enjoy delicious memories.



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