2017年1月17日 星期二

4 Types of Darjeeling Tea Flushes to Buy Online

Darjeeling tea is categorized into many flushes, between 4 and 6 in number. Some of the ones that are included always in the categories include first flush, second flush, autumnal flush, and monsoon/rains. Tea that is harvested between the first flush and the second flush is known as the "in-between", and is often regarded as an individual category. Early "flush" tea or winter tea, sometimes also considered in an isolated manner, is harvested prior to the first flush. Read and know about the types of flushes Darjeeling tea online that you can buy.
First Flush
It is instantly harvested after the rains in the spring. As compared to most of the black teas, it is lighter in character. It is often mild in flavor as well as more greenish in hue. The First flush Darjeeling tea looks like Oolong tea in various aspects, although such types of teas are not considered technically as Darjeeling oolongs, which is a term designated to tea that are manufactured in the manner of Taiwanese or Chinese oolongs.
Second Flush
This flush happens to be harvested during the summer months, right after the first flush, although prior to the heaviest monsoon season rains. The Second flush Darjeeling tea is a little bolder in flavor and darker in color when compared to the first flush, although when compared to most of the black tea varieties it is still milder. Many people who purchase Darjeeling black tea online tend to go for second flush variety.
Monsoon / Rains Tea
Tea that is collected during the monsoon months are rarely displayed for sale, and it happens to be the type of Darjeeling tea that is least in demand for drinking alone. It happens to have a stronger and darker color, as well as a more bitter type of flavor. But these qualities are suitable in breakfast blends of a strong variety, which is exactly what monsoon / rains tea is used for typically.
Autumnal Flush
The Autumnal flush variety of Darjeeling tea is harvested in autumn, following the rainy season. It is more full-bodied and robust than the first flush and the second flush varieties. However, it is still much lighter as compared to the monsoon/rains teas.
Other flushes
When you proceed to buy Darjeeling tea, there is also an in-between tea that you can consider purchasing. It is collected between the first flush and the second flush, and as can be expected it has the characteristics that lie between the two flushes. Early or winter flush tea is collected prior to the first flush.
It is a good idea to purchase tea that is categorized under varied flushes, and then be attentive to the differences in flavor and aroma at the time of drinking. Even to a tea drinker who is inexperienced, such differences can be clear and astonishingly strong. Only after you try various flushes of Darjeeling tea, you can get a clear understanding of the classifications and why they happen to be essential. The understanding will help you to appreciate Darjeeling tea even more



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